Hello! I am the co-owner of Farhat & McGee Removals
and Services Ltd. I am a Lebanese-Canadian woman with
a passion for making a difference and helping families
who are mourning. I started my journey as a Funeral
Director at Humber College in Toronto, Ontario in 2021.
When I was accepted into the Funeral Director Class 1
program, I knew this would help me achieve my dreams
of creating a positive impact within the funeral industry.
At a young age, I lost a few important people in my
life. One thing that stuck with me since then, and
throughout my career is a quote by Winnie the Pooh…
“If there ever comes a time where we can’t be
together, keep me in your heart, I’ll stay forever.”
My goal is to assist families with their final goodbyes
when leaving their final resting place. My end goal is
to make a difference with every family I encounter
and to grow with the industry.
New age funeral service, same traditional values.
Funeral Establishment Operator Class One FE-1589